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Fire-fighting equipment installation of high temperature in summer to prevent spontaneous combustion

release time:2021-03-22 17:31:05  Views: 669

As the summer temperature gradually rises, one of the more dangerous things for those old cars is that they are prone to spontaneous combustion, especially in summer, so how to prevent spontaneous combustion of cars?

     Regular maintenance: When using the car, the owners of old cars can also check whether the electrical appliances, switches and other related parts in the car are loose. If you find engine oil leakage, you must go to the dealership for inspection in time. Of course, for those old vehicles, it is necessary to insure spontaneous combustion insurance and glass insurance. It is worth noting that due to the high cost, old car owners often do not choose regular 4S points for car repair and maintenance. Fire department It is recommended to go to a technically reliable repair shop, otherwise irregular operations may also cause safety hazards to the car.

      Do not put flammable materials on the car. Car spontaneous combustion is not necessarily caused by the problem of the car itself, and many others are caused by personal bad car use habits. In daily car use, many car owners like to put lighters, perfumes, air fresheners, etc. in the car. As everyone knows, these flammable items can easily expand and explode under long-term sun exposure, causing fires.

      Try to avoid changing the line in the car. Modification has become a fashion. Many car owners will add and upgrade their cars, and sometimes it is difficult to avoid changing the line in the car. Line replacement is one of the main reasons for spontaneous combustion. Irregular operations may also exceed the insurance company's coverage. For this reason, the fire department recommends that if you need to modify, try to use the "special car" accessories that do not need to change the line. If you must change the line, you must go to a professional refitting shop.

    The fire extinguisher cannot be less. During the annual inspection of the car, fire extinguishers are necessary, which shows its importance. However, many car owners used a trick to pass the annual inspection, and they couldn't really take it seriously. In fact, fire extinguishers can play a great role at critical moments, and timely and effective disposal can reduce losses to a large extent. In addition, the shelf life of general fire extinguishers is one year, and the car mainly pays attention to checking whether the fire extinguisher gas leaks and whether the dry powder is agglomerated. If the fire extinguisher expires, its extinguishing effect will be greatly reduced.

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