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Analyze the urgent need to cancel the water tank of the fire-fighting booster and stabilizer

release time:2021-03-22 17:23:22  Views: 687

The fire pressurizing and stabilizing equipment urgently needs to cancel the water tank. Recently, there have been cases of diarrhea and vomiting caused by residents drinking tap water through "water supply equipment" in many places across the country. The sanitation problem of water supply equipment has once again attracted the attention of major media. According to the investigation, the main reason for the hygienic problems of the fire pressurizing and stabilizing equipment is that the water tank or water tower is used for water storage during the water supply process.

  According to national standards, the water quality of the secondary water supply is lower than that of tap water, but the total number of colonies cannot exceed 100CFU/ML. If the water tank is used to store water, the total number of colonies is likely to exceed the standard. Water tanks and water towers have become the main sources of hidden sanitary hazards for water supply equipment. The Changsha Health Bureau has investigated multiple communities and units and found that the total number of colonies in the water tanks is up to 6600 CFU/ML, which is 66 times higher than the national standard.

   Why is there a low water quality in the water tank? According to the Changsha sample, if the water tank is not used in time, the free chlorine in the tap water will be greatly reduced. Especially in summer, the high temperature will cause the free chlorine to volatilize and the growth of bacteria will be more serious.

   Water tanks are urgently needed for water supply equipment. According to reports, newly-built communities basically use new type of non-negative pressure water supply equipment. The feature of this water supply equipment is that there is no need to build pools and water tanks, thus preventing the pollution of tap water from water tanks. The use of non-negative pressure water supply equipment only changes the water pressure of the tap water entering the community pipe network, and will not have any impact on the water quality of the tap water.

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